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英國打工度假-重新檢視許可證租賃合約 (License renting agreement)

Laptop office and hand writing

該是時候回顧自己的租賃合約 (renting agreement),初到倫敦所找的房間是合租雅房 (flat share),跟房仲 (agency) 所簽的租約是 licence agreement 而不是保障較多的 tenancy agreement,但希望藉由這次審視租約的經驗,用於下次簽租約的參考。

關於租賃合約的種類與注意事項,Shelter 以及 UK Gov 都有其文件可參考,藉由 Shelter 所建議的租賃合約之事項來審視。

提醒:在簽署租賃合約之前,務必研究清楚其內容,不懂或是不確定的地方應當向房東 (landlord) 或是房仲 (agency) 問清楚。

Section One: Definitions (合約定義)

In this Agreement:
1.1. “The furniture and Furnishings” means the Licensor’s furniture and furnishings used by the Licensee from time to time in the Room to include in accordance with the latest inventory signed by the Landlord and the Licensee (if any).
1.2. “The Licence" means the licence to occupy conferred by this agreement. This Licensee is referred to as “he” and “his” even if the Licensee is female or consists or more than one person. If there is more than one Licensee, each Licensee shall be jointly and severally liable for the Licensee’s obligations.
1.3. “The Room” means the rooms or rooms in the premises that are from time to time allotted to the Licensee by the Landlord.
1.4. “The Inventory” means the list of Licensor’s possessions at the Premises which has been signed by the Landlord and the Licensee.
2.1. This Agreement is not intended to confer exclusive possession on the Licensee or to create the relationship of Landlord and tenant between the parties. The licensee shall not be entitled to a tenancy, or to be an assured short hold or tenancy, or to any statutory security of tenure now or when this Licence ends.
2.2. This Agreement is personal to the Licensee and is not assignable to any other person.

合約一開始定義各項名詞,其中 Licence 指的是被許可人 (e.g. 租客),Licensor 指的是許可人 (e.g. 房仲或是房東),比較要注意的是 2.1. 強調這不是會是 tenancy 租賃關係,因此受到的法律上保護會較少一點,例如押金便沒有法律要求一定得放在第三方人保護 (tenancy deposit scheme)。

This is a Residential House & Flat Sharing Licence Agreement, for:
SECTION ONE: The Parties
This Agreement is made with the intention of creating a House & Flat Share Agreement. There is no intention on behalf of either the Licensor or the Licensee to create a full tenancy and as such the agreement is regulated as a license. The licensee shall not be entitled to a tenancy, or to be an assured short hold or assured tenancy, or to any statutory security of tenure now or when this Licence ends
This Agreement is made between:
The Licensor: (Agent) [agent name] and Siyuan Wang

租賃合約必定要有租屋房間的地點,以及雙方的名字,這邊又再提到這不是 full tenancy。

Section Two: Premises, Rent and Utilities (房屋、租金與公用費用)

SECTION TWO: The Premises, Rent and Utilities
IT IS AGREED that the Licensor agrees to let and the Licensee agrees to share without exclusive possession of any part of the aforementioned premises.

這份合約是讓租客共享使用公寓,而非獨占方式持有使用,自己理解分租雅房都會採用此合約,避免被許可人獨佔公寓任意部分,不讓房東進入。除非是租整層公寓 (studio or n-bedroom flat) 才會是獨占式的租賃合約 (tenancy agreement)。

This Agreement shall commence on:
23/07/2018 at a rent of £300.00 every 2 weeks paid in advance.
A deposit of £450.00 has been paid and held by the licensor.
This agreement shall end on the: 22/10/2018
The following bills are included in the Licensee fee;
a. Council Tax
b. Water
c. Gas & electricity up to £100 pcm for the hose property
c.1. Each tenant will be liable to pay an equal share of the charges of gas & electricity where these charges have exceeded £100 in any calendar month.

由於該合約為定期合約 (fixed term agreement),必定有開始日期與結束日期,此外租金為何以及什麼時候、如何繳租金、以及押金多少都得寫上合約文件上。此外由於租金有包含稅 (council tax)、水、瓦斯與電 (gas & electricity),因此也有註明清楚其規則。

其中若瓦斯與電每月超過 £100,房客還得額外負擔,簽約當時還因此將房仲確認額外支出,房仲說 £100 根本不會超過,這條只要是嚇阻浪費能源的房客。

The following are not included within the Licence fee:
a. Television Licence
b. Internet (Internet is available as an additional facility and not included in the Licence fee. The Landlord accepts no responsibility for provision or functions of this service)

租金沒有包含 TV licence,基本上不能看 BBC 之類的電視新聞,但由於網路時代有太多可以選擇,這問題並不大。

租金沒有包含網路,網路只是附加設備,這是一個非常嚴重的問題,畢竟網路速度沒辦法獲得保證,實際上仲介所準備的網路爛得可以,最後只能自行購買使用 4G 自行上網。

Section Three: Licensee’s Obligations (被許可人義務)

不得 不說被許可人 (e.g. 房客) 限制相當的多,一共有 28 項需要看,整整占滿一頁的紙。

SECTION THREE: The Licensee’s Obligations
3.1. The Licensee agrees to move into the shared premises at the commencement of the agreement but may be asked to move to another room at a later time if required to do so for good housing management practice.
3.2. For so long as he is occupying the shared premises under this Licence the Licensee shall have the right to use the front door, entrance hall, staircase and landings of the House/Flat and to use the kitchen facilities for cooking, eating and the storage of food, and to use the lavatory and bathroom in common with other occupants of the premises. The Licensee agrees to occupy the premises for residential purposes only and not to operate a business.
3.3. The Licensee agrees not to use the shared premises or allow them to be used for illegal or immoral use at the property nor to bring or keep any article drug or substance possession which is prohibited by law in any part of the premises.

這三條都跟住房管理有關,被許可人同意在合約開始後,可被要求搬到另一間房間。被允許在住宅用途 (residential purposes) 下,使用房子各個共享部分 (廚房、廁所、浴室等其他),不可作為營利使用。並且被許可人同意確保公共空間不做非法 (illegal) 與不道德 (immoral) 的事項,也不可使用非法藥物或是物質。

3.4. The Licensee is not to smoke at any time in any part of the premises, or within the building’s common parts.
3.5. The Licensee is not to use any naked flames or candles in the shared premises.


3.6. The Licensee agrees not to remove or make any alterations or adaptations to the shared premises, or any fixtures, fittings, furniture or equipment provided by your landlord.
3.7. The Licensee agrees to pay the landlord an additional charge to cover the cost of repairing anything damaged, removed or altered in breach of this clause or the preceding one.


3.8. The Licensee is not to hang any pictures, posters or other objects on the walls; use of blue tag is also prohibited.

不能在牆上掛任何的照片、海報、或是其他的物件。雖然不確定 blue tag 是什麼,也許是無痕掛勾之類商品吧?

3.9. The Licensee shall not cause or make any loud unnecessary noise which is audible from outside the premises, including that arising from use of television, radio, musical instrument or any sound broadcasting equipment between the hours of 10pm and 7am.
3.10. The Licensee is not to act in a way which is likely to cause a nuisance to other occupants of the premises or adjacent buildings.


3.11. The Licensee must not cause any obstruction of the common parts of the premises or impede the means of escape in case of an emergency.
3.12. The Licensee electrical equipment must comply with international safety regulations and in particular possess a fully insulated mains lead and the plug be correctly rated for fuses and not be used in combination with other appliances through an adaptor in such a way to overload the electrical supply.

公共安全項目,不可阻塞公共空間,妨礙緊急逃生路徑,不可使用沒有通過國際法規的電器,或是加裝延長線使得電源超載 (overload the electrical supply) 等等。

3.13. The Licensee will not take in a lodger or paying guest or without the written consent of the Licensor or permit any other person to sleep or stay at the premises. The Licensee will be charged up to £100.00.

不得分租,接待付費客人 (無法經營 Airbnb 之意),或是讓其他非在合約之人入住,否則至多會被收取 £100.00 的費用。


3.14. The Licensee will not have exclusive possession of any of the rooms at the shared premises and the landlord will be entitle to enter it at all reasonable times to carry out the agreed services (if any) and carry out any necessary repairs as well as to carry out viewings


3.15. The Licensee must yield up the shared premises at the end of the Licence in the same clean state and conditions as it was at the beginning of the Licence.


3.16. If the Licensee loses a key, the Owner will replace it upon the Licensee paying £30.00 for the replacement cut.

如果鑰匙遺失,需要支付 £30.00 替換鑰匙。

3.17. The Licensee must keep the Furniture and Furnishings and all items listed on the inventory in good order and condition and must not remove any of them from the shared premises. The Licensee must make good any damage to the Furniture and Furnishings caused by him and replace with articles or a similar kind and value any items broken or damaged by him, as reasonably requested by the landlord.


3.18. The Licensee will be responsible for insuring his own possessions.
3.19. The Licensee must ensure that all his rubbish is disposed of daily and placed in the rubbish bin provided by the landlord and comply with all recycling and refuse disposal requirements of the Local Authority.


3.20. The Licensee must not keep any dogs, cats, or other pets in the shared premises without the Landlord’s prior consent
3.21. The Licensee cannot request any additional furniture once the agreement has commenced.


3.22. The Licensee agrees to fill in the inventory form enclosed as Annex A to this Agreement and then provide the inventory back to his/her Licensor once the check in has been completed.

關於 inventory list,在入住時得自行填一份詳細的物品清單。但實際上並沒有拿到 Annex A 表格,也沒有完成第三方的 inventory check,只好入住時為所有的家具拍照,來確保自己的自身權益。

3.23. The Licensee agrees to check in during office opening hours Monday to Saturday between 12:00 to 16:00 hours. Where the Licensee needs to check-in outside of office hours £60.00 will be charged for the provision of this service. Standard check out fee of £25.00.
3.24. The Licensee agrees to check out and pay the check-out fee of £25.00 during office opening hours Monday to Saturday between the hours of 10:00 to 12:00 noon. Were the Licensee needs to check out later than 12:00 noon the Licensee will be charge up to £100.00.

關於 check-in 的相關事項,如果非在仲介辦公室營運時間內進行 check-in,需要額外繳交 £60.00 費用。關於 check-out,除了需要繳 £25.00 的費用外,若非在其營運時間 check-out,至多會收取 £100.00 的費用。

3.25. The Licensee agrees that housing benefit seekers are not allowed.

不得申請由英國政府提供的住房福利 (housing benefit)。關於住房福利可查看 UK Gov 文件

3.26. The Licensee must report any maintenance issues by e-mail to or and in the case of an emergency by telephone to +44 [Phone number].
3.27. The Licensee will be fined for misuse of appliances at the premises and for providing misleading maintenance reports which result in a false call out.


3.28. The Licensee agrees to pay £5 late fee for each day the licence fee is in arrears.

房租延遲繳納,每延遲一天,得繳納 5 英鎊的滯納金。

Section Four: Licensor’s Obligations (許可人義務)


SECTION FOUR: The Licensor’s Obligations
4.1. The licensor agrees and undertakes:
a) to provide the Licensee with one set of keys for the premises and any room provided to the Licensee at the Premises;
b) to pay the relevant suppliers the utility costs in relation to the bills included in the Licence fee (gas / water / electricity I and council tax);
c) to refund the deposit to the Licensee within 10 working days of the termination of this License, subject to deduction of such proportion of the deposit as may be necessary to make good any default by the Licensee. The Licensor shall send a cheque for the amount due to the forwarding address provided by the licensee, but shall not pay any interest on the deposit;
d) to provide the Licensee with a copy of any Insurance Policy relating to the premises upon request;
e) the Licensor shall arrange for the premises cleaning of the communal areas once a month;


  • a) 提供鑰匙
  • b) 支付相關稅、水、電、瓦斯等費用
  • c) 在合約結束 10 個工作天內,退回扣除維修費用後的押金 (deposit),採用支票入帳但不會包含任何利息
    • 許可證合約 (license agreement) 的押金並沒有受到法律一定得放置在 deposit scheme,之後再看看是否能全部拿回,抑或是當作額外費用了
  • d) 提供房屋保險等資訊
  • e) 每個月安排公共區域打掃
    • 後來才知道根本沒有這回事,抑或是只是隨意掃掃,房客們掃得還比較乾淨

4.2. The Licensor confirms that:
a) the furnishings are fire resistant;
b) the Gas Safety (Installation and Use) Regulations 1998 (SI 1998 – 2451) have been satisfied and a Gas Safety Certificate is available for inspection by the Licensee;
c) the electrical appliances provided by the Licensor are safe and all the appliances manufactured after 19th January 1997 are marked with the relevant CE symbol.


  • a) 防火家具
  • b) 瓦斯安全
  • c) 公共電氣安全(冰箱、微波爐等等)

4.3. The Licensor is not liable for:
a) the depth of or injury to the Licensee or visitors to the Premises;
b) damage to, or theft of any possessions of the Licensee or the Licensee’s invitees to the Premises;
c) any losses, claims, demands, actions, proceedings, damages, costs or expenses or other liability incurred by the Licensee or the Licensee’s invitees to the Premises in the exercise or purported exercise of any rights granted by the section 3;
d) the acts or omissions of any other resident of the premises or their visitors.


  • a) 被許可人或其訪客受傷
  • b) 被許可人或其訪客之財產失竊或是受損
  • c) 被許可人或其訪客在行使 SECTION THREE 所授與的權利所發生的任何損失、賠償、訴訟、損害賠償等等費用
  • d) 其他訪客或是其他住戶的行為

Section Five: Other Provisions (其他規定)

SECTION FIVE: Other Provisions
5.1. The Licence will expire when:
a. The fixed term period of the licence has expired
b. By the Licensor providing 4 weeks written notice to the Licensee
c. By the Licensor if the license fee or any part of the licence fee is in arrears for 7 days, whether formally demanded or not.
d. By the Licensor if the Licensee is in breach of any of the terms of this Agreement
e. If the Licensee becomes bankrupt or becomes subject to an administration order or entry or enforcement of a Judgment.


  • a. 許可證固定期限到期
  • b. 許可人四週前使用書面通知(隨時可以要被可許人離開)
  • c. 租金在七天內沒有繳齊
  • d. 如果被許可人違反任何條款
  • e. 被許可人破產、受管制令約束、進入或是執行判決

6.1. Should the Licensee wish to extend his stay under this Licence agreement, the Licensee should formally notify his licensor in writing or by e-mail 4 weeks before the expiry of the fixed term of the agreement.
The cost of extending the agreement will be £25.00 if the agreement is extended for further three months, and £50.00 of the agreement is extended for less than three months

延長租賃合約,需要四個禮拜前使用書面或是電子郵件通知,如果延長合約三個月內需要支付 £50.00 費用,如果超過三個月則支付 £25.00 費用。


7.1. If at any time during the Period the Licensor needs to use any part of the Deposit to cover any reasonable costs incurred as a result of any breaches of his obligations by the Licensee or other sums properly due to the Licensor, the Licensee shall upon demand pay by way of additional Payment to the Licensor any additional payments needed to restore the full amount of the Deposit


8.1. Upon determination of the Licence, the Licensee shall immediately cease to be entitled to use the room and the premises and must vacate the premises, leaving it clean and tidy, and return the keys and any copies to the Landlord immediately.
The Licensee shall remove his possessions. Any possessions left will be entirely at the Licensee’s own risk and will be uninsured.
This clause represents reasonable notice under the Torts (interference with goods) Act 1977 and the Licensor may dispose of any possessions without further reference to the Licensee and may charge reasonable costs for the storage or removal of any possessions left by the Licensee


被許可人應該移除其財產,滯留之財產風險將由被許可人承擔,且沒有保險保護。根據 “the Torts (interference with goods) Act 1977 and the Licensor” 這條規範,許可人可在沒有通知被許可人的情況下,處置所有遺留任何財產,而且可能會向被許可人收許保管或是移除的費用。

9. THIRD PARTY RIGHTS A person who is not a party to this License shall not have any rights under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 to enforce any term of this License
10. GOVERNING LAW This License and any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with ot its subject matter or formation (including non-contractual disputes or claims) shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the Laws of England and Wales

Section Six: Important Information (重要資訊)

SECTION SIX: Important Information
1. This form of agreement does not require either party to give any form of notice to the other party at the end of the fixed period (should there be a fixed period to this agreement)

Section Seven: Signatures (簽名)

This agreement is dated: 23/07/2018
Signed by the Licensor Agent: __________
Signed by Licensee: __________

合約簽署日期與雙方許可人(房仲)與被許可人(房客)的簽名,一式兩份交換合約,但沒有見證人 (witness) 簽名。


第一次在人生地不熟的地方,簽署非母語的商業合約,當初是有那麼一點點的遲疑,研究此合約許久,還詢問房仲許多關於合約許多事項,回頭來比對以下 Shelter 給的建議事項,該有的合約上都有,其他的條款自己大多還能夠接受呢。

  • the name of the tenant(s)
  • the address of the property (or room) you are renting
  • the name and address of the landlord and the letting agent if there is one
  • how much the rent is, when it is due and how it should be paid
  • if the rent includes bills such as council tax, water rates or other charges
  • how long the agreement is for
  • when the landlord can increase your rent
  • rules on ending your tenancy


參考資源 (Reference)
