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英國打工度假-申請軟體工程師職缺,如何撰寫提高面試機會的履歷 (CV)

Application cover letter

在這次英國尋找工作所需的履歷 (CV, Curriculum Vitae),基本上是之前大人學的履歷課的實作 (其上課心得),該課程真的是幫助相當多,修正自己對於履歷的觀念誤區,並在實際指導該如何撰寫履歷。





在開始撰寫之前,先是搜尋 UK 這邊的履歷範本,再參考前人的履歷分享,才決定以下版面:

  • Contact Information
    • 個人姓名
      • 個人選擇直接寫護照的英文名字,而不是使用以前上課所取的英文名字
    • 所在區域
      • 標注尋找倫敦的機會,迴避其他區域的工作機會
      • 原先寫詳細地址,但後查看網路範本都不建議寫詳細地址,且部分 agents 還問那地址是在倫敦哪裡,最後改成所在地最近的地鐵站 (tube station) 名稱
        • 很像是問台北人問吉祥路或是南京三民站在哪,後者比較多人知道
    • 英國電話號碼
      • Agents 大部分都使用電話聯絡
    • 電子郵件信箱
      • Agents 會使用郵件傳送資料,例如職位描述 (job descriptions) 以及面試確認 (interview confirmation)
      • 請使用專業一點電子郵件帳號,迴避不雅的帳號名稱 (例如
      • 因此改用另一個郵件信箱,都是自己的名字
    • 網站連結
      • 個人網站、Github 或是 LinkedIn 網址
      • 若最後輸出格式為 PDF,必須確保網址有設定連結,可以滑鼠一點就開啟
      • 修改自己 Github 以及 LinkedIn 網址,看起來會更專業
        • 相較於初始網址 來說,修改成 顯得比較專業
    • 不放其他個人資訊,以下不應當出現在履歷中
      • 照片
      • 性別
      • 生日
      • 年齡
      • 國籍種族
  • Summary
    • 簡單的自我介紹
    • 查看別人的範本,針對個人經驗所撰寫,強調自己的能力:後段工程師,有設計過系統架構經驗,能獨立開發與團隊合作
    • 描述簽證狀態 (working permit)
      • 原先並沒有標注簽證種類,但因為太多 agents 詢問,所以寫上 Tier 5 (YMS)
  • Experience
    • 工作經歷,最重要的部分
    • 經歷描述應該與應徵職位要求相關,說服閱讀者自己是想要找的人
      • 各大求職網站查詢該職缺的需求 (requirements),反問自己有什麼經歷會是對方樂見的
    • 不同職位應該寫不同的經歷
    • 最好佐以數字輔助,能提高閱讀者的印象
    • 使用主動動詞為句子起始
  • Skills
    • 技能資料
    • 自己是拿來充版面使用,但有些面試官會詢問技能經驗
  • Education
    • 教育程度
    • 由於自己離畢業已經太久, 不需要著墨太多
    • 基本上只是讓別人知道是資訊工程系 (computer science and engineering) 的背景,以及在校成績還不錯

為何選擇如此順序由上到下的排版,主要是根據呈現給閱讀者的重要性,對已經工作數年且非英國學歷的我來說,Education 根本不吸引人,所以放在履歷最後,並集中所有心力在 Experience,其工作經歷順序為時間倒述,且越重要的描述放置越前面,

排版上選擇一欄設計,不採用使人分心的雙欄或是多欄設計,且確保格式整潔,在黑白列印也能維持好的閱讀品質 (e.g. 不使用花花綠綠的顏色色調)。

頁數則精簡到只有一頁,因這份履歷目標是針對 Backend Golang Developer 職缺,所以僅著墨於後端工程師、系統架構設計、團隊合作等經驗,至於其他在遊戲開發上的經驗則都沒有提及。

確認英文沒有拼寫錯誤,或是文法上出現問題,最好的方式莫過於給其他英文母語者修改,確保一切都沒有問題。自己則是選擇 Grammarly 付費版服務,在瀏覽器以及手機輸入法安裝其套件,來驗證檢查所輸入的英文拼寫與文法錯誤。

最終輸出的格式是可攜式文件 PDF,而非其他可編輯或是軟體限定的文件格式。

履歷編輯範本 in Latex

身為一位軟體工程師,使用 Word 或是 Pages 來編輯排版是一件非常痛苦的事情,因此使用 Latex,一套免費且發展已久的排版系統,當初論文也是靠它來編寫。

在 Mac 安裝 Latex 是一件簡單的事,在其下載頁面下載其封裝檔安裝,利用程式人常用 IDE - VisualStudio Code 編寫 tex 檔案,並且安裝擴充 LaTeX Workshop 來自動編譯產出 PDF 檔案。

至於 Tex 格式,則是到網路上尋找別人已建立好的範本,再自行根據需求調整成以下:

% Resume in Latex
% Author : Sourabh Bajaj
% License : MIT


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\fancyhf{} % clear all header and footer fields

% Adjust margins
\geometry{left=.7in, top=.5in, right=.7in, bottom=.5in, footskip=.5cm}


% Sections formatting

% Custom commands
\textbf{#1}{: #2}


\textbf{#1} & #2 \\
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{\Huge Siyuan \textbf{Wang}\par}
%{Flat 15, Ritchie House, Howland Estate, London, SE16 7BL}\newline
{Canada Water, London}\newline
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As an experienced Backend Engineer with expertise in Golang, I had independently designed and developed gambling games web service, which integrated with several microservices and deployed to the AWS platform.

Also participated in game development for the 15 members team, acted as the communication bridge within groups. Designed software architecture, and implemented nearly 40\% of functions.

I am currently legally authorised to work in the UK with Tier 5 (YMS) visa and will not require sponsorship until 1-July-2020.

{GrandPeak Technology Inc.}{Taipei, Taiwan}
{Senior Software Design Engineer}{January 2015 - June 2018}
\cvItemS{Designed and implemented gambling games web service using Golang, which integrated with several microservices and could handle 8,000 requests per second.}
\cvItemS{Directed four partners’ developer teams to build APIs for our gambling game services integration, and solved problems encountered in using the APIs.}
\cvItemS{Deployed and managed gambling games web service to AWS platform crossing EC2, RDS, S3, and Elastic Beanstalk.}
\cvItemS{Designed and implemented the gambling math API server, providing over 120 APIs in 25 games, and created a framework, which reduced integration time from 5 days to 1 day using Golang and C++.}
\cvItemS{Built API document generation pipeline using go-swagger, completing two API documents which a total of more than 120 API interface descriptions in swagger 2.0 specification.}
\cvItemS{Constructed internal continuous integration system (CI) using Jenkins and Gitblit, which managed over 17 projects build pipelines, saved compiling games time for three developers.}
\cvItemS{Designed slot gambling game framework, and implemented 90\% game functions using Unity C\#, which applied for developing in next 16 slot games.}
\cvItemS{Implemented a game client network library to communicate with gambling games web service using C\#, the library used in 16 Unity games.}
%\cvItemS{Implemented game lobby app using Unity C\#, which integrated Firebase analysis and could load 16 slot gambling games. The app published for Android and iOS.}

{International Games System CO., LTD.}{Taipei, Taiwan}
{Software Design Engineer}{November 2011 - September 2014}
\cvItemS{Participated in the development of two Unity projects, working with more than 15 team members, which one of the project development for three years.}
\cvItemS{Acted as the communication bridge between the software developer’s, game designers, and game artists with 15 members.}
\cvItemS{Implemented 40\% arcade shooting game functions, including game UI, IO, central framework, battle system, game events and game audio.}
%\cvItemS{Helped five artists to import art assets into Unity, and wrote shaders, post effect and 3ds max tool for artist’s requirements.}
\cvItemS{Solved problems encountered by 16 members when using SVN and Git version control system, including tool operations, conflicts handling and data loss caused by wrong actions.}
\cvItemS{Designed an entertainment casino game framework, and implemented 90\% game features using Unity C\#.}
\cvItemS{Taught five game designers using Unity editor tools to create game levels, and developed new editing tools base on requirements.}


\cvItemS{\textbf{Languages}{: Golang, C\#, C++, SQL, HTML, Javascript, PHP}}
\cvItemS{\textbf{Technologies}{: AWS, Git, Unity, SVN, Docker}}

{National Dong Hwa University}{Hualien, Taiwan}
{Master's Degree in Computer Science and Engineering; GPA 4.32/4.50}{2009 - 2011}
{National Dong Hwa University}{Hualien, Taiwan}
{Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science and Engineering; GPA 3.94/4.50}{2005 - 2009}


