起心動念是在年初回台投票時,因應農曆新年將近 (Lunar New Year),以及這次回台會帶台灣零食,提交辦公室活動提案,可以來舉辦相關慶祝活動與零食試吃活動,再加上新年的裝飾,是多麽有氣氛的事情。
然後非預期變成一系列的農曆新年活動,老闆拍板不僅要有線上文化講座,中式鼎泰豐午餐,台灣零食試吃 (Taiwanese tasting event),還要有日式午餐與韓國電影放映的亞洲元素活動。紀錄這次協辦的筆記。
農曆新年介紹線上講座,與臺灣華語文學習中心 TCML 合作
老闆一直想要辦一個線上文化講座 (presentation),介紹關於農曆新年的意涵,說是如果找不到講者的話,他可以協助我來主持介紹。當下聽到直接嚇傻,要一個害羞的工程師,準備簡報介紹台灣文化給全公司同事,這是多麽有挑戰的事情。
於是乎開始詢問周遭的台灣朋友們,有沒有相關的資源可以協助,最後在 Google 搜尋協助上,與臺灣華語文學習中心 TCML 搭上線,詢問聯絡如何合作,跟老闆確認時間需求,完成報價與付款,最後在短時間敲定線上講座,自己可以免於陷入做簡報痛苦之中。
- Introduction (5 minutes)
- Overview of Lunar New Year
- Section 1: The Lunar Calendar and the Date Variation (5 minutes)
- Explanation of the Lunar Calendar
- Section 2: The Zodiac Animals and Their Significance (5 minutes)
- The Zodiac Cycle
- Meaning of Each Animal
- Section 3: Global Celebrations (10 minutes)
- Country-Specific Traditions
- Community and Family Practices
- Section 4: Traditions and Customs (5 minutes)
- Red Envelopes
- Other Traditions
- Conclusion (5 minutes)
- Reflect on the Universal Themes
- Encourage Participation
Candy 老師帶來的 30 分鐘講座,公司同事都非常喜歡,尤其是介紹時那份幽默與熱情,廣受大家好評,非常感謝他們。如果其他人也有此文化介紹需求,十分推薦與 TCML 聯絡。
Abbi: A really interesting talk. I learned so much. Candy has such amazing energy. Her students are lucky to have her.
Jeyla: So many details! Great to know and share! Learning about the colour red was fascinating! I thought it associates with dragon, fire but the real reason is different!
Jose: Candy’s passion and energy helped to deliver a great engaging presentation, highly recommended to anyone looking for a heartwarming, informative, and culturally enriching experience. It’s the perfect way to celebrate the Lunar New Year or simply learn more about this beautiful tradition. Thank you for creating such a memorable and positive experience #greatdeserved紅包
Rob: Candy, that was one of the most engaging presentations I have been to in a while. Having limited knowledge on the subject I thought you brought the history and traditions of the Lunar New year to life. I do wonder whether the dragon visits our house, because around this time of year, lots of cookies disappear from the cookie jar! I’ll be ordering a red jar to keep them safe. Thankyou for the time you spent putting the presentation together, it really showed. I’m now wonder what other subjects you present because I would definitely come again.
起心動念是老闆希望活動有個問答遊戲 (quiz game),便開始思考可以準備什麼獎品,以獎勵總分數較高的參加者。
於是乎拜訪位於 Liverpool 的觀光組辦公室,拿了許多今年龍年的燈籠組裝 DIY,台灣觀光宣傳手冊,以及作為獎品的筆記本月曆等等,也十分感謝他們啊。
想說都已經準備差不多了,會是一個台灣零食試吃與問題遊戲活動,但由於農曆新年講座中的 Candy 老師,在新年簡報中提到台灣人對於蘿蔔糕的瘋狂,老闆希望也希望能試吃,那些在講作中提到的新年美食,所以還另外準備了蘿蔔糕 (radish cakes)、年糕 (rice cakes) 與烏魚子給同事們嘗試。
蘿蔔糕與年糕,可以分別在中國城的超市與羅氏河粉廠找到,但因為時間的關係沒有機會去採買,只能根據自己之前製作的經驗,在家裡附近買到所需的食材自己做。至於烏魚子⋯⋯在 Eataly 義大利超市找到相似的產品 Bottarga,吃起來的感覺跟台灣的很相似呢。
活動大約 18 位同事參與,除了試吃與解問答題目以外,還詢問他們在試吃後,對於真心喜歡或是厭惡討厭的零食,貼上喜歡的比讚貼紙,或是討厭的倒讚貼紙,統計用來了解歐洲人喜歡的口味,下次再帶台灣零食會來比較有個方向。
最受歡迎的是「義美蛋捲」以及「芝麻荖」,「果凍」跟「沙琪瑪」沒有人愛。另外為了問答遊戲而另外在倫敦亞洲超市買的泰國零食「Bento Mixed Seafood Snack」,意外被不少人詢問哪裡可以買得到呢。
品項 | 比讚 | 倒讚 |
牛軋糖 | 3 | 1 |
盛香珍葡萄果凍 | 3 | 5 |
盛香珍小魚乾花生 | 2 | 1 |
義美蛋捲 | 7 | 0 |
新貴派 | 2 | 0 |
雞蛋沙琪瑪 | 1 | 3 |
義美花生煎餅 | 0 | 1 |
芝麻荖 | 5 | 0 |
77 乳加巧克力 | 1 | 0 |
生仁糖 | 0 | 0 |
盛香珍醬油瓜子 | 2 | 2 |
旺旺浪味仙 | 4 | 1 |
第一頁是關於零食試吃,品嚐每種的零食後以及根據包裝袋的資訊,猜測主要的成分 - 麵粉,米粉,糖,花生等等,以及來自於製造地國家。第二頁則是關於農曆新年的問題,大部分題目靈感來自於 Candy 簡報,感謝 OpenGPT 的協助,不然弄出一份 Quiz 題目會花不少時間啊。
- What animal is celebrated in the 2024 Lunar New Year?
- Dragon
- Rabbit
- Snake
- Horse
- How long do the Lunar New Year celebrations typically last?
- 1 day
- 7 days
- 15 days
- 30 days
- When do workers return to work after the Lunar New Year?
- Day 2
- Day 3
- Day 5
- Day 7
- How well do male and female Horses match in marriage according to the Chinese zodiac?
- Not smooth, lacking trust
- Can’t live together. She can’t stand his quirks
- Harmonious, understanding and supporting each other
- Uncertain future
- What does the character “福” symbolise during the Lunar New Year?
- Prosperity
- Strength
- Peace
- Wisdom
- Why do people eat wuyutsu (fish eggs) during the Lunar New Year?
- For good health and long life
- To wish for many children and grandchildren
- As a traditional dish that brings luck
- To celebrate the end of winter
- What is the symbolic meaning of eating radish cake during the Lunar New Year?
- To bring wealth and fortune
- To ensure good health and long life
- To symbolise continuous progress and promotion
- To celebrate the arrival of spring
- When does the Lantern Festival occur during the Lunar New Year?
- On the 1st day
- On the 5th day
- On the 10th day
- On the 15th day