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Revolut 觸發洗錢機制而凍結,攤身家要求解鎖紀錄


之前跟朋友聊天,才知道有人的 Revolut 帳戶,因為同天的大額金額轉帳,觸發銀行的洗錢管理機制,而帳號被凍結好幾天不能使用,而且似乎證明文件準備得不夠充足,至今還是被鎖住的狀態。

而自己最近就犯傻,從 HSBC 主帳號 (current account) 轉帳到 Revolut,計畫在 Revolut 中購買匯率較好的美元,不知道是否是下午迷糊的時段,抑或是 Revolut 介面有點不夠清楚,沒有任何介面確認的提示下,把那購買美元的 £2,000 資金,轉帳到另一個 Starling 的個人帳戶。




同一天晚上就注意到 Revolut 登入畫面很奇怪,不再是顯示帳戶餘額與歷史紀錄,取而代之的是請聯絡 Revolut 的畫面,跟隨著指示會直接進入到客服聯繫的頁面⋯⋯。



當時想不會真的被我遇到 Revolut 帳戶凍結的情況吧?於是乎嘗試與真人客服聯絡,對方非常忙碌,將近等七個小時才獲得客服回應。

在等待回應的過程中,也先傳送 HSBC 與 Starling 兩個帳戶的對帳單 (bank statement),想要說服這是個人帳號,也想讓對方能夠立即處理。

客服一開始說提供的文件資料不足,要求提供更多資訊,來證明這筆資金的流向,於是乎從個人的資料撈出薪資單 (payslips),以及主帳號 HSBC 的交易紀錄 (bank statements),把個人的收入資料全部攤給 Revolut 查看。

在所有文件完成審核之後,最後回答客服詢問的帳戶問題,才成功順利完成帳戶檢查,重新拿回帳戶的使用權以及被鎖住的 £125 餘額。

綜合來說,能理解 Revolut 想要確認這不是用來洗錢的帳戶,尤其是我這筆的 £2,000 轉帳從何而來,為此自己主動提供,或是根據他們要求提供以下文件:

  • Starling 收款帳戶的交易明細 (bank statements)
    • 主動提供最近一期
  • HSBC 匯款帳戶的交易明細 (bank statements)
    • 主動提供最近一個月的交易明細
    • 要求提供最近三個月內的交易明細
  • 最近三個月的薪資單 (pay slips)
    • 要求提供最近三個月的薪資證明
    • 推測想要證明個人有那麼多資金 (?)
  • 為什麼使用 Revolut 帳戶?
    • 實話實說,享受旅行交易免手續費,以及投資交易的好匯率

這次凍結事件花上許多時間精力與客服聯絡,準備所有必要的文件,幸好不像那位朋友,自己有成功解鎖取回 Revolut 帳戶啊。


Me: Seems my account has been freeze automatically after I transfer my money to another personal account in Starling.
Please tell me what’s documents you need to consider to unfreeze my account. I would like to exchange USD in Revolut. Thank you.
And the following statement is my current account which sent 2,000 pounds into Revolut today.
(sent files)

(after 7 hours waiting)

Revolut: Hi, my name is ****. Thank you for getting in touch with us today. I’ll look right into this for you!
Si-Yuan, could you please provide us with screenshots of the latest transfers to Revolut from the HSBC account? The statement provided is from March. Thank you
Please upload the photo/s here by clicking on the paper clip button on the right.

Me: Sure, give me a minute
(sent file)

Revolut: Thank you. Can you please provide us with your 3 pay slips as well as a bank statement or screenshots from your online banking showing your current balance as well as transactions AND incoming salary from the last 3 months?

Me: Alright, give a minute.

Revolut: Sure, take your time

Me: (sent files)
I could not give the payslip of this month. I am still waiting for the mail from our payroll team.

Revolut: I see. Could you please provide us with bank statements from January and February, showing the incoming salary as well as other transactions? Thank you

Me: (sent files)

Revolut: That’s perfect, thank you! Please give me a moment while I review the account

Me: I switched my current account from Monzo to HSBC, that makes me cannot get January Monzo statement at this moment.

Revolut: Thank you for your clarification. Could you please provide us with your Monzo account closure confirmation?

Me: I’m sorry, may I ask why you need that?

Revolut: Sure, as understood the salary was transferred from Monzo to HSBC. As the Monzo statement can’t be provided, we ask for the account closure confirmation - as I understand, the account was closed

Me: Cool, I did not receive any closure info. from Monzo before. It might need takes time, and may not get any response from them.
Could you please tell me when could Revolut unfreeze my account? Thanks

Revolut: I see. Could you please clarify - what is the purpose of your Revolution account?

Me: Cash account when travel, enjoy the free fee for non-sterling transactions
Investment account, the good exchange rate for USD and sent to US investment account via the TDAmeritrade broker account
The transaction to my another Starling account which triggered the auto-freeze was a mistake.
I want to exchange to USD from GBP, but I don’t know why the app didn’t show any confirmation before sending, also can’t find the cancellation at that moment.

Revolut: Thank you for the information. Please give me a moment while I review the account

Me: Cheers

Revolut: Thanks for bearing with us! We know being locked out of your account can be incredibly frustrating, which is why we’re very grateful for your patience. I’m delighted to inform you that everything now checks out and that your account is up and running again! If you need anything else, just let me know.



